EpiDose 639- Preaching to the Choir

Max wants to know why the far-right is on the rise the world over. Geoff shares his thoughts.  The rate of change and authoritarianism.  “Loud” doesn’t equal many. People don’t like uncertainty.  No nation, person, religion, or organization belongs on a pedestal.  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-07-12T14:23:01-06:00August 8th, 2024|

EpiDose 638- Places to Eat

Ben is on vacation.  Most of what Geoff and Max talk about is food. Someone will always try and game the system.  Women love bluegrass. Things with only a 10% chance of happening do happen.  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-07-12T14:19:31-06:00August 1st, 2024|

EpiDose 637- Small Town Living

Birthday celebrations. The shoestore theater.   “You should go do stuff.” The most Colorado question. You mean combo mexican/carwash place next to the weed shop? *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-07-12T14:16:23-06:00July 25th, 2024|

EpiDose 636- Tool Time

This is Ben’s safe space.  Geoff hates our Lowes. Max is truly ignorant and uniformed about this stuff.  Pro-tip - the combination is always the store number.  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-07-12T14:11:53-06:00July 18th, 2024|

EpiDose635- Sound and Morning Design

Max and Ben back again!  What does sound design even mean? Mornings are for pointing yourself in a good direction.  Don’t burn bridges in a small town.  Check out these hot jams!  If there is a carpenter in the story - people will assume it’s an allegory. *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  [...]

2024-06-25T14:39:16-06:00July 11th, 2024|

EpiDose 634- Diet and Emotional Exercise

It's Ben and Max this week! Ben's been on a monthlong clean. Max's comeuppance and heart-opening. 4% of what we say is totally worthwhile! *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-06-25T14:32:52-06:00July 4th, 2024|

EpiDose 633- Sweets and Things

What's your favorite pie? When did your picky eating change?  Geoff was a picky eater in his own way. Ben gets excited for steamed broccoli.  Max hasn't met a "normal" pie he didn’t like.   The right and wrong way to eat Neapolitan ice cream *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - [...]

2024-06-11T15:25:38-06:00June 27th, 2024|

EpiDose 632- Junk Drawers

Everyone made it! Jinxing ourselves. 4 year-olds with jet packs. LEGOS. Where’s the carpentry/construction themed pre-school? *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-06-11T15:21:53-06:00June 20th, 2024|

EpiDose 631- Spring Cleaning

Geoff is culling. Always checks the expiration date at Max’s house.  20 year-old Pepto Bismal. *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-06-05T12:43:43-06:00June 13th, 2024|

EpiDose 630- Weather, Food, and Furniture

Two friends who haven't talked in a month. Geoff likes neo-nazi tacos. It can get sweaty when Max eats.  The going rate of chili. *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-06-05T12:40:18-06:00June 6th, 2024|
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