EpiDose 649- Fall in the Mountains

It's a Tarantino episode. Max hasn't seen it. (Obviously) Ben is living that always-kinda-sick parent life. When your buddy’s celebrity crush gets engaged.  Hurting yourself to love someone.  Ps - Hakuna Matat is Swahili *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-10-10T18:38:07-06:00October 17th, 2024|

EpiDose 648- Ben’s Bombs

Max remembers what he wanted to ask Ben! Ben does not disappoint… The last story is the best. Veritasium on luck and success.  The looks that are etched in our minds. Was Supertroopers 2 right? *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-09-25T16:58:23-06:00October 10th, 2024|

EpiDose 647- Solitude v Loneliness

Max and Ben’s mutual envy.  Ben’s eventful, solo road trip. Symmetries between book 1 and book 55.  Surrounded by people and feeling alone. The Mindful Body by Ellen Langer It’s not about making the right choice, it’s about making the choice right.  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-09-24T12:30:55-06:00October 3rd, 2024|

EpiDose 646- Fare Thee Well Geoff

This is Geoff’s last episode. But he didn’t want to talk about that so...  Awkward moments on stage.   Bad comedy shows. Getting to see the process can be fun sometimes.  Geoff echoes Max’s grandpa.  The joy of building inspections. “When do I get to reap what I am sowing?!” *** Submit Your Topic, Get [...]

2024-09-24T12:27:52-06:00September 26th, 2024|

EpiDose 645- Summertime in Vegas

It's Max and Geoff, so it's gonna be about food. Robots replacing table games. Naughty nuns. The wrong kind of mushrooms. Meeting the in-laws. *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-09-18T17:39:48-06:00September 19th, 2024|

EpiDose 644- Neglection

It's Max and Ben, again!  (3 letter names only...sorry, Geo)  Random choice of topics leads us to... Toddlers are like drunk dinosaurs.  Parenting woes. Acting philosophy for life. *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-08-23T12:33:25-06:00September 12th, 2024|

EpiDose 643- Talking Shop

Welcome to the PeakD&D meeting! Also: Laundry tips!  Baseball analogies! Ben’s self-coaching! Max's liminal linchpin status! Keep having faith in the work and showing up because you don’t know when the breakthrough will happen.  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-08-23T12:27:41-06:00September 5th, 2024|

EpiDose 642- Hot Water and Conventions

Geoff has no hot water and doesn’t know what day it is. Max went to GenCon and is a crappy capitalist. Emergency expenses. Expensive hobbies. The similarities between different fandoms. Each summer, from here on out, will be the coolest summer of your life...  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-08-23T12:22:14-06:00August 29th, 2024|

EpiDose 641- Gauntlets

Max’s birthday gauntlet. Ben’s parenting gauntlet. A mutual love fest. Hiding under the piano for an hour. Ps - GenCon was 71,000+ people  *** Submit Your Topic, Get A Free Shirt  @IgandUn - ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com

2024-08-09T13:13:31-06:00August 22nd, 2024|

EpiDose 640- Mail Service and Facial Hair

Opposing postal experiences. How the "awkward phase" applies to more than hair on top of your head. Sometimes people won't thank you when you say the weird thing. Sometimes saying the weird thing means you don't get hired for the job. (Ps - The robots get angry at Ben a few times during this episode. [...]

2024-08-09T13:10:05-06:00August 15th, 2024|
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