EpiDose 223- DA YA LEKE DEGS

Is it the ears? Eye brows? Tail? Penis? What’s your favorite part of a dog? Phil Roerbacher wants to know. Are you like Debbie (Ben’s wife who’s got him all adorably flustered) and it’s more about the emotional support? Did you know Benji was that kid who used to keep snakes in his lunchbox? Or that Max is allergic to everything and likes to howl? Remember :

1) Chickens aren’t animals. They’re food. 2) The defeated sigh is your signal to stop. 3) Dogs are pack animals. They need structure and boundaries to be happy and well adjusted. — It’s cute animals friendships, parent vs owner mentality, hilarious diva rabbits, Debbie’s childhood menagerie, Jerry the Dog Whisperer, and the importance of building your nonverbal vocab. I and U. Dogs are like special needs four year olds.


Topic – What is your favorite part of a dog?

From – Phil Roerbacher