
Can one ogle and respect at the same time? Would you rather go to a strip club and get a dance knowing it won’t end in sex or stay at home and get an amateur dance from your partner that definitely will? Do you even like getting strip teases? What about teasing strippers? Tawdry Hipburn wants to know. Hollywood is an apple thief. Benji is all about the hustling. And Max’s inner stripper is a vixen. Remember (There’s a couple second technical glitch at the 8:45 mark. Conveniently when Max and Benji are talking about Hollywood’s wife…Just sayin’) :

1) Ferrari don’t take no mess. 2) Every situation is an opportunity if you’re looking for it. 3) Putting yourself out there is hard. — It’s pity-dollars, strip club breakfast buffets, sexual-wolf-crying, pan-handling in lingerie, mood-killing inappropriate laughter, and some pro-tips from Benji. I and U. Solid gold facts.


Topic – Which is better: getting a strip tease OR teasing strippers?

From – Tawdry Hipburn