What would it be like if at 18 years old you had to register to vote and choose a condiment? One single condiment (to rule them all) and it was the only one you could ever use? That’s what Rachel Zukrow wants to know, and with the help of Phil Rohrbacher, we do our best. Suck it Heinz. Remember :
1) Milk is not a condiment. 2) Honey is a food group. 3) The ability to wrap a raison in it is a defining characteristic of a condiment…wait, what? — It’s Hollywood’s sad Christmas plea, Benji as the World’s Greatest HR Director, Phil’s allegiance to Tex-Mex, and Max’s bad microphone etiquette this week on I and U. It’s like if you took a McRib Flurry and put Sonic’s mayo on it…delicious.
Topic – If you could choose only one condiment for the rest of your life what would it be?