EpiDose 553- Leadership Decathlon EpiDoses EpiDose 553- Leadership Decathlon Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 32:52 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Screw you, elections. We want to get Olympic. What 10 events would you want your potential leaders compete in? It’s the Triwizard Tournament (hedge maze and dragon fights), plus some Star Trek: Next Gen (Kobayashi Maru). Oh, did we mention each contestant would compete in a NASCAR inspired uniform, blatantly displaying their sponsors? Ps – Best hour-long investment you can make this week – The Harry Potter Pitch Meeting Compilation (You’re welcome) *** Topic – Instead of an election, the new leaders of your country will be chosen via Leadership Decathlon. What 10 traits, skills would you tailor your events around? From – St. Jaysopher *** Submit Your Topic – @IgandUn – ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com Max Sirak2022-12-07T15:43:44-07:00December 8th, 2022|