EpiDose 527- Twitter News EpiDoses EpiDose 527- Twitter News Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 32:15 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Your “Newsfeed,” contrary to popular belief and the implications of its name, is not the place to get your news. While we are it – what does “news” even mean? Celebrity opinions as gospel truth, the way our primate brains prime us for this, and the social meteor that killed the dinosaurs. We’re gonna step away from Twitter for while. It’s all too much… *** Topic – How can we convince people that what famous people spout on Twitter is not, in fact, news? From – St. Jayospher, of the Website *** Submit Your Topic – @IgandUn – ignorantanduninformed@gmail.com Max Sirak2022-06-05T13:36:50-06:00June 9th, 2022|