EpiDose 506- Douche Scale EpiDoses EpiDose 506- Douche Scale Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / 33:49 Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed This week we shamelessly judge the hell out people. Welcome to the Douche Scale! It’s one of those S-F scales (which none of us actually understand but seems popular!) Is being the type of person you want to punch after meeting worse than knowingly profiting on the destruction of millions of lives? What about eroding democracy and the political process? More importantly – who wins in a bar fight? A Zoolander-esque walk off? Look on the bright side – any one of these people could be Batman’s parent! *** Topic – Where do the following land on the Douche Scale? Elon Musk, The Sachler family, Dan Snyder, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckererg From – St. Zooks, MD *** Submit Your Topic! – @IgandUn – topics@ignorantanduninformed.com – Insta: Igandun Max Sirak2022-01-09T14:19:32-07:00January 13th, 2022|